- Have you ever blogged before? If your answer was yes, how was this experience similar and/or different from your previous experience? If your answer was no, how would you describe your experience using this tool?
I have blogged before for completely different purposes and really enjoy it as a venue for information. This experience was different in that I had a more tailored audience. It completely changes the tone of everything I write. Most of what I've blogged about before (recipes, experiences, etc..) never really required me to perform any research. This was a new and fun experience!
- What are some of the benefits and/or limitations of using this cloud-based application with your future students?
This could be a great tool for engaging students outside of the classroom. It's an easy way to share videos and connect with them over the weekend or vacations. It is also a great way for them to also have some input. They can comment without feeling the anxiousness the classroom atmosphere can have for some kids.
- How would you use this environment in your classroom, provide one example?
I would use it as a venue to share content or videos and engage them to respond to my post and each other. Also, as mentioned above, great for during breaks from school. (weekends, holidays)
- What is the most difficult and/or time-consuming aspect of this assignment?
I think the most difficult part of this assignment was deciding on the topic. It also took me a while to really grasp what the guidelines were. Writing the piece itself was pretty easy!